ONE-DAY STROKE PLAY “A” and “B” (POY Points Awarded)
Entry Fee: $90 per player
Days: 1
Eligibility: An entry is submitted by a single “A” player with a Handicap Index maximum of 14.0 (Class A) or a single “B” player with a Handicap Index minimum of 14.1 (Class B) on the day of entry. Players may earn points toward “A” and “B” Player of the Year. If a subsequent player’s handicap index makes her ineligible for one of the tournaments one week prior to the tournament, she will be moved to the other class.
Format: 18 holes for each Class. Use 95% of the player's Course Handicap. Pairings made by the Committee. Certificates are awarded to the low gross and low net winners in each Class. In case of ties, duplicate points will be awarded for Player of the Year. Ties for certificates will be broken by a match of cards.